
“Read it 1st was envisioned by Hank Green and created by Nerdfighteria, an online community of awesome people who do awesome things. The site was coded by Sam Rudge and the newsletter is hosted by MailChimp.

We created Read it 1st because five of the top 10 movies of 2010 were based on books. Most of the people who watched those movies had never read the book. In fact, most people in America read fewer than two books per year. While movies are great, and we love them, the stories from those movies were originally envisioned in a different way. A way that requires more interaction, more brain, more relaxation, more free time, and more commitment. We think those are all things that the world doesn’t have enough of these days.

So we wanted to tell the world that we were pledging to read the book before we watch the movie from this day forth. And we also wanted to invite the world to do that with us.”

The Cove: The Secret Is Out. Spread the Word.

Yesterday I finally forced myself to watch The Cove. It’s a difficult film to watch, but one that I feel is important to see nonetheless. I urge you to see the film yourself, and then to tell everyone you know to see it, too. If we educate ourselves and then pass on that knowledge to others, perhaps we can put an end to this senseless slaughter before dolphin hunting season begins again on September 1.