This Cold, Cruel World

Why is this place we call earth so cold?

Why didn’t we do just what we were told?

I feel bad for the people who don’t no self respect, no  self esteem, no anything.

They are the ones who need us more than ever.

If we could all just get along,

I don’t know what the world would be.

I wonder if it’ll ever change.

Not just for you,

but for me too.

Hopes for Spring

Hopes for Spring

Everyone gets ready for a cold winter storm;

Hats, gloves, and scarves are worn,

The bitter cold stings on your nose;

People get grumpy, saying that friends are foes,

The gloomy days, the dreary nights;

But Spring, makes the whole world happily bright!

The singing birds, the new life, and everything around you;

is peacful, relaxed, one sancuary,

When all life forms grow together, in the world’s



Friendship is something good
Not to be over used and not to just let go
Friendship is what helps us believe not to see what we don’t need or grieve.
Friendship can be what you want it to be but i believe it’s something….. imaginative. You are what makes the friendship hold up.